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LiveGood D3-K2 2000 60 Caps Professional

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Ubicación: Montréal

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Product details

LiveGood’s Vitamin D3 and K2 with 2,000 units of D3 gives your body the highest quality Vitamin D available anywhere, at optimal levels so you get the most out of every dose.

• LiveGood D3-K2 2000 60 Caps

info:Every medication or natural health product may cause serious adverse reactions or interactions with other medications or natural health products. Read and follow the label, warnings and inserts provided by the manufacturer and consult your healthcare professional when purchasing medications or natural health products to be sure the product is right for you. No health, wellness, prescription or pharmaceutical information is intended to substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a healthcare professional. Always keep medications and natural health products out of reach of children.


Vitamin D3 and K2

Did you know that Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins our bodies need to maintain a healthy immune system?

Did you also know that more people are deficient in Vitamin D than ANY other vitamin on the planet?

Even though our bodies make Vitamin D in response to sunlight, most people aren’t getting enough sunlight on a daily basis to maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D.  And since very few foods contain Vitamin D, it’s very common for so many of us to be deficient.

Without enough Vitamin D on a daily basis, our immune systems are weakened, our bone density is compromised, and our bodies are much more vulnerable to sickness and disease.

LiveGood’s Vitamin D3 and K2 with 2,000 units of D3 gives your body the highest quality Vitamin D available anywhere, at optimal levels so you get the most out of every dose.

Scientifically formulated with Vitamin K2 not only supports the function of Vitamin D, but also helps to ensure that calcium reaches the bones to maintain healthy bone density, and to help maintain healthy blood and heart function. 

Male, female, old, young, this powerful combination of the highest quality Vitamins D3 and K2 is something EVERYONE should be taking EVERY DAY to get healthy and stay healthy!